WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Angela Alsobrooks (D-Md.) remarked on the inauguration of President Trump and Martin Luther King Jr. Day:
“Today, two momentous occasions collide — the observation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the inauguration of Donald Trump, the 47th President of the United States.
“On this day, as we reflect on both the past and present, it remains my sincere hope that each and every one of us — from the President to my colleagues in the Senate to community leaders and more — have both the openness to see the need of our fellow citizens and the courage and conviction to answer that need.
“The same openness and courage that Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. had.
“Ours is a country where each and every American can live freely, justly, and yes, successfully. Where the American dream isn’t just a dream we wax poetic about but one we can all pursue with dignity.”